Craig Allchin
Adjunct Professor of Architecture
University of Technology, Sydney
Craig Allchin is an Australian architect and urban designer. He has worked on the city across a range of scales. In the 1990s, as a founding partner of Six Degrees Architects, Craig worked on recycling and renewal projects around the revitalisation of the Melbourne City Centre. He moved to Sydney and spent five years working between Sydney and China as principal Urban Designer for Urbis, Sydney completing over 40 district and city masterplans. He was then Director of Urban Design, for the 2005 and 2010 Metropolitan Strategies for Sydney.
He returned to Australia in 2015 after living in Brooklyn, New York for three years, where he worked as a visiting professor of Urban Design at the Graduate School of Design, University of Pennsylvania. He continues to consult on various projects to government and the private sector, focusing on strategies at both the macro and micro scales of the city.
Six Degrees Architects
A founding director of the award winning Melbourne architecture practice Six Degrees—a small to medium sized, design focussed architectural practice involved in commercial, retail and hospitality and urban renewal projects, often recycling materials and buildings. During the 1990’s Melbourne’s downtown was transformed from a quiet, under–utilised city centre into a vibrant, active and highly liveable city, often ranking at the top of international liveability indices. Six Degrees was one of Melbourne’s pivotal architectural practices, designing and operating a range of hospitality and residential projects, often using recycled materials with a design focus around materiality and personal space and human connection, that became a signature of the new Melbourne style.
Six Degrees Urban
Part time Director Design
Ethos Urban, Sydney
Inhouse Urban Design Lead
Masterplans and Strategy
Visiting Professor and Lecturer in Urban Design, Graduate School of Design, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Lecturing Masters students in LARP.
Board Member
Renew Australia
Urban Renewal Foundation
Adjunct Professor of Architecture
University of Technology, Sydney
Lecturer, Masters of Architecture Course, University of Technology, Sydney.
Delivered a course based around the question ‘Who Designs the City?’ bringing economists, demographers, journalists, politicians and other disciplines who shape our cities in as guest speakers. Continuing role as Adjunct Professor at UTS.
Historic Houses Trustee
(Sydney Living Museums)
Appointed by NSW Minister for the Arts
Lecturer, Urban Design
University of Technology, Sydney
Board Member
Renew Newcastle, Urban Renewal Foundation
Director Urban Design
Metropolitan Strategy
NSW Department of Planning
Principal Urban Designer
Urbis Sydney & China
Board Member
Melbourne International Fringe Festival
Registered Architect, ARBV
Bachelor of Architecture
University of Melbourne